






2007/09 -2011/07 学士学位:沈阳化工大学 生物工程专业

2012/09- 2015/06 硕士学位:广西民族大学 生物化学与分子生物学专业

2018/10- 2019/06 CSC联合培养:英国诺丁汉大学 药剂学与药理学专业

2015/09- 2020/01 博士学位:哈尔滨工业大学 化学工程与技术专业


2020/02至今 江苏师范大学 教师


1. 食源性功能蛋白和多肽研究

2. 天然大分子的改性技术


1. Li He; GuanKaifang; Li Xu; Ma Ying*; Zhou Shaobo*; MFG-E8 induced differences in proteomicprofiles in mouse C2C12 cells and its effect on PI3K/Aktand ERK signal pathways, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2019, 124: 681-688.

2. Li He; XuWeili; Ma Ying*; Zhou Shaobo*; Separation and purification of the bovine milkfat globule membrane protein and its effect on improvement of C2C12mouse skeletal muscle cell proliferation, New Journal of Chemistry,2017, 41(14): 6530-6539.

3. Li He; XuWeili; Ma Ying*; Zhou Shaobo*; Xiao Ran; Milk fat globule membrane proteinpromotes C2C12 cell proliferation through the PI3K/Aktsignaling pathway, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2018, 114: 1305-1314.

4. Li He; MaYing*; Xu Weili; Chen Haoran; Day Li*; MFG-E8 protein promotes C2C12myogenic differentiation by enhancing PI3K/Akt signaling, New Journal ofChemistry, 2017, 41(20): 12061-12070.

5. 李贺; 马莺*; 羊乳营养及其功能性特性, 中国乳品工业, 2017, 45(1): 29-33.

6. Li He; LinRihui*; He Junbin; Long Han; Liao Wei; Chen Ranqiong; Effect ofpretreatment on the enzymatic synthesis of rosin acid starch, New Journal ofChemistry, 2016, 40(3): 2856-2862.

7. LinRihui*; Li He; Long Han; Su Jiating; Huang Wenqin; Structureand characteristics of lipase-catalyzed rosin acid starch, FoodHydrocolloids, 2015, 43: 352-359.

8. LinRihui*; Li He; Long Han; Su Jiating; Huang Wenqin; Synthesisof Rosin Acid Starch Catalyzed by Lipase. BioMed Research International,2014, (2014): 647068. doi: 10.1155/2014/647068.

9. LinRihui*; Li He; Long Han; Su Jiating; Huang Wenqin; WangSheng; Optimization of lipase-catalyzed rosin acid starch synthesis by responsesurface methodology, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2014,105: 104-110.

10. HeJunbin; Lin Rihui*; Li He; Long Han; Xuan Jincai; He Chaohong; Lan Yurong, Adsorption of EDTA onto calciumoxalate monohydrate. Rsc Advances, 2015, 5(105):86795-86802.

11. 李贺; 林日辉*; 龙寒; 汪圣; 陈然琼; 韦成昱. 木薯淀粉预处理及对酶法合成松香淀粉酯的影响, 林产化学与工业, 2015, 35 (1):89-93.(EI收录号:20151200650443)

12. 李贺; 林日辉*; 黄文勤; 龙寒; 刘作娇; 粟佳婷. 固定化脂肪酶催化合成松香淀粉酯的研究, 林产化学与工业, 2015, 35 (2):103-110.(EI收录号:20151900826717)

13. 李贺; 林日辉*; 贺俊斌; 巫佳; 刘晓林; 潘艺华; 廖威; 酶促酯化制备松香酸淀粉酯的反应动力学, 食品科技, 2016,41 (5):248-252.

14. 李贺; 林日辉*; 刘作娇; 贺俊斌; 李训碧; 龙寒; 酶法合成松香酸淀粉酯的抗氧化性研究, 安徽农业科学, 2015, 43: 16-19.

15. 李贺; 林日辉*; 粟佳婷; 巫佳;韦春雨;李训碧;酶促酯化制备松香酸淀粉酯的性质及结构表征, 化工学报, 2014, 65 (10):4123-4130.(EI收录号:201444136211)